Θέμα: Puffer
Εμφάνιση ενός μόνο μηνύματος
Παλιά 25-08-11, 15:56
Το avatar του χρήστη delta66
delta66 Ο χρήστης delta66 δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος
Εγγραφή: 29-09-2007
Περιοχή: Αθηνα
Μηνύματα: 19.360

Tοσο δυσκολο ειναι ενα Googlαρισμα???

Tetraodon fluviatilis

Maximum Standard Length
6.8" (17cm), although this is considered very large in aquaria.
Minimum Tank Size
48" x 12" x 12" (120cm x 30cm x 30cm) - 110 litres.
Tank Setup
Requires brackish water to a sg of around 1.005-1.010, although it can also tolerate full marine conditions. Some cover in the form of rocks and pieces of driftwood should be provided, along with a sandy substrate. It also enjoys plant cover, and tough species such as java fern may survive for a good while in mildly saline water. Plastic plants also make a fine alternative. It's very sensitive to deteriorating water conditions, so regular partial water changes are a must.

Tetraodon nigroviridis
Maximum Standard Length
6.8" (17cm), although this is considered very large in aquaria.
Minimum Tank Size
48" x 12" x 12" (120cm x 30cm x 30cm) - 110 litres.
Tank Setup
Best kept in a heavily-planted setup with twisted roots and branches to provide additional cover, although soft-leaved plants may be chewed by the fish. Leave some open spaces inbetween for swimming, as this is an active species. The use of a sandy substrate and floating plants to diffuse the light is also recommended. This species is very sensitive to deteriorating water conditions, so regular partial water changes are a must. Although it's often considered a true freshwater species, it tends to be more long-lived with the addition of marine salt to a sg of around 1.005 in aquaria. It can also be maintained in freshwater, however.

Tetraodon Sabahensis
Common Name: Giant Spotted Puffer
Other Common Names: Indian Giant Puffer
Family: Member of the Fluviatilis family
Distribution: Asia, Indonesia
Water Parameters: brackish environment, seems adaptable to various salinities and does well in hard water with the Ph around 8.
Personality/Temperament: An extremely interactive puffer once it gets used to its owner. Tankmate info pending.
Activity: Activity levels vary, they can be quite inactive during the day choosing to rest on the substrate, in rock crevices or under mangrove roots. Activity levels raising during the later hours of the day and into the evening and night.
Max. Size: 6+" (15+cm)
Estimated Lifespan: 15+ years
Sexual Dimorphism: No physical sexual differences currently known.
Diet: Mussels, Cockles, Prawns, Whitebait. Smaller foods such as bloodworm and krill are usually ignored.
Care: Relatively easy once settled in and feeding well. If belly seems sunken a day after feeding treat for internal parasites.
Breeding: Unknown
Minimum Tank Size: 40+ US Gallons (150+ λιτρα), Due to activity levels a tank in the region of 4ft (120 cm) long is preferable.

ΥΓ την αλατοτητα την αλλαζουμε σταδιακα και με προσοχη.
O delta66 δεν εχει καμια σχεση με επαγγελματα που αφορουν το ενυδρειο και δεν εξαρταται απο σπονσορες, επαγγελματιες και διαφημισεις.
Γραφει ελευθερα και ανεπηρεαστα την αποψη του και ευχαριστει το GAB που του δινει αυτη τη δυνατοτητα.
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