Θέμα: Hello guys
Εμφάνιση ενός μόνο μηνύματος
Παλιά 22-04-11, 17:35
Το avatar του χρήστη lingistis
lingistis Ο χρήστης lingistis δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος
Εγγραφή: 13-09-2007
Περιοχή: ΦΛΩΡΙΝΑ
Μηνύματα: 1.420

Αρχική Δημοσίευση από zorans83 Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
Lingistis I am also surprised that you are following me from forum to forum stating exactly the same thing over and over again.

I am not following you... take a look at the date I regestered here...

I have closed The add at the other forum mainly because of your demands.Which I find them to be ridiculous and by the way, so are all the other members of the forum, who have encouraged me to continue and not give up because of one .... guy who seams to be everywhere .

I am Greek... so its natural for me to be a member of the Greek forums... at which other forums not Greek are you a member?

If you are that interested in my fish than why don't you write a pm instead of writing in my topics demands which are impossible to be meet.

I am not asking... I am stating the law. Here you say things are impossible... later on you say you can... what is the truth?

This is a forum not a private chat room, things I have to say I say public.

Please tell me if you see a price list anywhere in this topic.I haven't put one yet even though a couple of members have continuously asked me to.

I am very carfull with what I write. I never wrote that you are selling... I said you implied it.

To answer your question YES! you and a couple of your friends can come and visit me.Yes you can see my display tanks.You can see my breeding tanks.Hell I can even give you the key from the whole fish house if I thought that would be enough.But I get the feeling it still won't.

As I wrote I am interested in visiting. So yes if you write were we can find you we will come. I would also like to see some photos of your facitity to get an idea of what we are expected to see... since you are inviting us over... So please after the "YES! you and a couple of your friends can come and visit me" let us know where you are so we can come.

After all if you feel that patriotic and take ti upon your self to protect the greek people from being damaged somehow by this transaction, you'd stop to read the add and see that fish offered are being payed in person and picked up in person.If I risk the trip all the way to Thesaloniki to meet someone I never met before and also risk the possibility of him not liking my fish (which then I sentence to death since I'll be coming back very late and they cant survive that long in a bag ) and that doesn't cut it for you and you need more???

So this is an add? Sure starts to look like one...

I think a lot of guys reading this post to this point think the same thing and that is ...You are being ridiculous.

I know how to swear also so take this back!

You are either a breeder or a shop owner or engaged somehow in this business and hate to see things change for you.

I stated that I am a mbuna keeper... nothing more... I aslo wrote
"That way we can see your fish first hand, learn from your experience and probably buy some rare to Greece species". Which part did you not understand?

I am explaining this whole situation again not for you but for all the guys who you are trying to convince not to buy fish from me.

I think you are afraid of something... because as I wrote... "and probably buy some rare to Greece species"

Thus if you do have interesting fish to offer why should one not buy them from you? I understand that you have mbuna that some of us are seeking for years. We have found them in other countries markets... so the question is what are you selling? If the fish are your bread I would like to read how they are raised from you, like I do from all people here before they offer there fish for sell... they dont come out of the bloom and say hi and here are my fish for sell. We dont know you from yesterday... so why should we trust you? Give us a reason to trust you as a hobby aquarist and not a shop seller. Give us links to your fish presentations in other forums. Im sure someone with so many tanks has presented them somewhere.

"We are able to provide the following documents base on each countryʼs specifications:
- Certificate of Origin 30 eur
- Fish Health Certificate SGD 20 eur
- CITES Permit 70 eur
It is the responsibility of the buyer to notify us about the requirement of all documentations in accordance with the
regulations of their destination country; we will complement all documents necessary. However, we will
not be liable for any missing documents, fines and confiscated goods if the buyer fails to notify us of the
It is recommended that all live animals should be cleared from the customs in any condition. This is for the
welfare of the animals. And we will contribute our part should there be a need to."
The info in the citation mark is a part of the business terms I have with whole sale customers,or shop owners in other words retailers.In short I can provide you with all papers necessary at your expense.You still wont be able to import the fish since you'll need a registered quarantine and a licence to import live stock.That can be only provided to you by Greek authorities.I have tried to offer fish to another forum at a retail price and deliver ( not more than 50 fish at one trip).For that purpose It is possible for me to bring the fish to Thessaloníki and avoid all the extra paper charges.
Since the demand showed up to be not more than 10 fish and you my friend came with those ridiculous demands I concluded that it is really not worth for me economically to go through this whole thing.That is why I have closed the add even though I regret it.I am contacting a number of Shop owners who can reach my minimum quantity order and wont put 500% profit on them since the wholesale prices of my fish are ridiculously low does enabling everyone to have them.That was my idea when I started this whole fish house and it will hold me to the end.If no such agreement is met by any shop or importer I will try again to make an agreement with the forum owners and administrators.I guess you'll still be here to spoil that for everybody but don't worry.I'm a pretty persistent guy
You say "We" who are "we"? It looks like you are working with/for someone?

Here are some links of the fish you presented as yours....





as I wrote... give us a reason to trust you and we will buy your fish.

From http://www.cichlid.sk/ most of us can purchase them ourselves

Good luck with the shop owners...

to cut a long story short...

present your fish room, lets talk about mbuna...

and tell us were can we find you in Skopia and we will save you the trip to Thessaliniki.

Happy Easter.
Αν δεν βρέξεις σαλόνι... mbuna δεν πιάνεις!!!
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