Εμφάνιση ενός μόνο μηνύματος
Παλιά 21-04-08, 16:43
Το avatar του χρήστη Iann_is
Iann_is Ο χρήστης Iann_is δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος
Senior Member
Εγγραφή: 20-11-2007
Περιοχή: Ν.Κόσμος
Μηνύματα: 453
Αποστολή μηνύματος μέσω MSN στον/στην Iann_is

If it were me, I'd leave the lights on about twelve hours a day... given the proviso that you "knock off", otherwise remove the bulk of attached "kelp" (phaeophytes... brown algae) and large sponges (these will be dead, dying anyway and causing a mess, curtailing cycling). For rock that doesn't have much of any apparent non-coralline algae I wouldn't sweat lighting at all (this last bit to cover the browsers, readers that will come later, going "but my rock..."). Do keep your eye on the cycling parameters you can measure, be ready to effect large (as big as you can) water changes when readings get way out of hand... as in on the brink of killing everything on the rock... (of course a nomogram I can't, shouldn't reproduce here, involving at least the relationships between pH, ammonia, temperature, dissolved oxygen) and toxicity... I think/hope/trust you know what I'm getting at. And run that protein skimmer full blast!
Bob Fenner
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